S.NO. | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Research Area | Discipline | Email ID | Google Scholar ID |
1 | Prof. SHANTANU BHATTACHARYA | Director/Director Office | Micro-system design and fabrication,
Nanotechnology' Nano energetics, Water remediation, Energy storage devices, Microfluidics | Engineering | director@csio.res.in, bhattacs@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=fB8UbAcAAAAJ
2 | Dr. SATISH KUMAR | Chief Scientist | Early Warning Systems, Seismic instrumentation, Automatic Target Recognition | Engineering | satish@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=3EKAB4wAAAAJ&hl=en |
3 | Dr. SHRAVANA KUMAR R.R. | Chief Scientist/Professor | | | srr@csio.res.in | |
4 | Dr. V D SHIVLING | Chief Scientist | Crop Disease early warning systems, Sensors & Instrumentation for pre and post-harvesting technology | Engineering | vvdatta@csio.res.in | |
5 | Dr. A G SONKUSARE | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | | | anilsonkusare@csio.res.in | |
6 | Dr. SUNITA MISHRA | Sr. Principal Scientist | Sensors, Device physics, Energy devices, spectroscopy | physics | sunita_mishra@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=idSScnMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao |
7 | Dr. SANJEEV VERMA | Sr. Principal Scientist | Design, Development and Manufacturing of mechanical systems; Human Resource Development (HRD)
| Engineering | sanjeevverma@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=WzOAg1IAAAAJ&hl=en |
8 | Dr. NEELESH KUMAR | Sr. Principal Scientist | | | neel5278@csio.res.in | |
9 | Dr. VIPAN KUMAR | Sr. Principal Scientist | Avioinics, Cockpit Display Instrumentation, Mechatronics, Embedded Instrumentation | Engineering | vksehjal@csio.res.in | |
10 | Dr. SAMIR K MONDAL | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | | | samir_mondal@csio.res.in | |
11 | Dr. AMOL P BHONDEKAR | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | Machine Learning/ AI | engineering | amolbhondekar@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=nSCu2AMAAAAJ&hl=en |
12 |  | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | Image Processing, Embdded Systems | Engineering | sssaini@csio.res.in | |
13 | Dr. PRASANT K MAHAPATRA | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | Machine Vision, Image Processing, Thermography, Biomedical Instrumentation, Soft Computing | | prasant22@csio.res.in | |
14 | Dr. AMIT LOCHAN SHARMA | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | Material Science, Environmental/Gas Sensors | Physics/Engineering | amitsharma_csio@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=R3BpP4QAAAAJ&hl=en |
15 | Dr. HARRY GARG | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | Mechanical and Aerodynamic Design and applications. Avionics & Instrumentation and applications., Renewable Energy Finite Element Analyses (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics and applications Micro and nano Heat Transfer, Statistical and Machine learning Algorithms
| Engineering | harry.garg@csio.res.in | |
16 | Dr. B S BANSOD | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | IoT-enabled Smart Sensor-Systems(Optical, Capacitive and Electrochemical), Data Analytics, Machine Learning Algorithms using Multi and Hyperspectral Image Processing for River Water Quality, Proximity Sensing for Precision Farming | Engineering | scientist_babankumar@csio.res.in | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Babankumar-Bansod |
17 | Dr. A K SHUKLA | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | | | akshukla@csio.res.in | |
18 | Dr. SANJEEV SONI | Sr. Principal Scientist/Professor | Biomedical devices, Plasmonics, Photothermal therapeutics, Biological Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering, NanoBioPhotonics, Tissue optics, Biophotonics | Engineering | ssoni@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Bfvt9tUAAAAJ&hl=en |
19 | Dr. C SETHURAMAN | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy | Energy Management Technologies (Renewable & Non-renewable Energy) | sethuenergy@csircmc.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Dr.+C.+Sethuraman%2C+CSIO&btnG= |
20 | Dr. N S AULAKH | Senior Principal Scientist | Embedded Systems, IoT, Big Data | Engineering | aulakh@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uvGD1woAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao |
21 | Dr. RAJESH | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Cold plasma applications in surface cleaning, decontamination | Engineering | rajesh@csio.res.in | |
22 | Dr. INDERPREET KAUR | Sr. Principal Scientist | 2D Nanomaterials based nanodevice, Quantum systems and bionanosensors | Physical Sciences & Engineering | inderpreet@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=0aXwbucAAAAJ |
23 | Dr. SUDIPTA SARKAR PAL | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | | | sudipta@csio.res.in | |
24 | Dr. UMESH KUMAR TIWARI | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Photonics, Plasmonics, Metasurfaces and Fiber Optic Sensors | Physical/Engineering | umeshtiwari@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qGwYBuIAAAAJ |
25 | Dr. SUMAN SINGH | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | | | ssingh@csio.res.in | |
25 | Dr. MANOJ KUMAR NAYAK | Principal Scientist | Materials Chemistry, Food and Environmental Science and Engineering | Sciences | mknayak@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=xb80YwkAAAAJ&hl=en |
26 | Dr. AMIT LADDI | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Embedded vision, Gaze & Gestures based Systems, Image and Video analytics, Image guided Diagnostics | Engineering | amitladdi@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=ehSyFaEAAAAJ&hl=en |
27 | Dr. AKASH DEEP | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | | | dr.akashdeep@csio.res.in | |
28 | | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Thermal infrared imaging, Computer vision, Deep Learning | Engineering | aparna.akula@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=N5eUkGwAAAAJ&hl=en |
29 | Dr. MANOJ K PATEL | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Environment, Green Energy, Food Safety and Nutrition, UAVs and Robotics | Engineering | manoj_patel@csio.res.in | Manoj K Patel - Google Scholar |
30 | Dr. SANJEEV KUMAR | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Biomedical Instrumentation/Non-Invassive Diagnosis | Engineering | virdi205@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=lPJLFU4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F5bGqg0PS_ZNHXvL6i0-qItCWE-bB79evDGmYL5ViKBzkGk-FvR2pvnPKSopwOYmRiTugDXvNAeR7Cv0wunV1IDyspISyPPEfEPXIl9v8RIilRSZi2K7mwgnrj3XZ_9vIjIDyTp0NV0rkxp5gqvtx6W1IBhEg |
31 | Dr. RAJ KUMAR | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Holography, Optical Instrumentation, 3D Displays | Sciences | raj.optics@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=BkDkjtoAAAAJ&hl=en |
32 | Dr. SRIKANTH VASAMSETTI | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| srikanth.vasamsetti@csio.res.in |
33 | Dr. POOJA DEVI | Principal Scientist | Nanomaterials, MXene, Catalysis (Photo/Electro), Green Hydrogen, Water Treatment, Chemical Sensing | Engineering | poojaiitr@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=axKdfRoAAAAJ&hl=en |
34 | Dr. RIPUL GHOSH | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Signal processing, AI/machine learning, seismic and acoustic signals | Engineering | ripul.ghosh@csio.res.in | Ripul Ghosh - Google Scholar |
35 | Dr. RAJ KUMAR PAL | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Optical Devices and Systems, Optical Design and Fabrication, Mechanical Systems | Engineering | rajkpal@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gzNyKN4AAAAJ&hl=en |
36 | Dr. SUDESHNA BAGCHI | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| sudeshna_bagchi@csio.res.in |
37 | Dr. DIVYA AGRAWAL | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| divyaagrawal@csio.res.in |
38 | Dr. RISHEMJIT KAUR | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| rishemjit.kaur@csio.res.in |
39 | Dr. GIRISH CHANDRA MOHANTA | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| gmohanta@csio.res.in |
40 | Dr. SACHIN TYAGI | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| sachintyagi@csio.res.in |
41 | Dr. NEELAM KUMARI | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| neelam@csio.res.in |
42 | Dr. RITESH KUMAR | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| riteshkr@csio.res.in |
43 | Dr. NEHA KHATRI | Principal Scientist | Ultraprecision Machining, Optical System Design & Fabrication, Smart Manufacturing | Engineering | nehakhatri@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=f3JHBgcAAAAJ&hl=en44 |
44 | Dr. SHASHI PODDAR | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Computer vision, Optimal State Estimation, and Inertial Navigation | Engineering | shashipoddar@csio.res.in | Shashi Poddar - Google Scholar |
45 | Dr. MUKESH KUMAR | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor |
| mukeshk@csio.res.in |
46 | Dr. NEERJA GARG | Principal Scientist/Associate Professor | Image/Video Processing, ML/DL techniques, Multimodality data computation | Engineering | neerjamittal@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=V00LDokAAAAJ |
47 | Dr. PRABHAKARAN S | Scientist/Assistant Professor |
| sprabhakaran@csircmc.res.in |
48 | Dr. RITIKA SINGH | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor | Structural Equation modelling, System dynamics, AI | Engineering | ritikasingh@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=IAGf3a8AAAAJ |
49 | Dr. BHARGAB DAS | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor |
| bhargab.das@csio.res.in |
50 | Dr. PRASHANT KUMAR | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor | Application of Soft Computing techniqes for engineering applications, Geoinformatics | Engineering/ Sciences | prashantkumar@csio.res.in | Dr. Prashant Kumar - Google Scholar |
51 | Dr. MANOJ KUMAR BHUYAN | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor |
| manoj.bhuyan@csio.res.in |
52 | Dr. SANJIT KUMAR DEBNATH | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor |
| sanjit.debnath@csio.res.in |
53 | Dr. KAMLESH KUMAR | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor | Smart Polymer materials, soft actuators, nanostructured materials Science |
| kamlesh.kumar@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8qY4NWIAAAAJ&hl=en |
54 | Dr. TEJPAL SINGH | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor | Earth Science, Surface Processes, Tectonics-Climate Interactions. Natural Hazards |
| tejpal@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=iGqxHlUAAAAJ&hl=en |
55 | Dr. NALINI PAREEK | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor | Metamaterial, Graphene Surface Plasmonic, THz Devices | Engineering | np@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kuri6YloCd8C&hl=en |
56 | Dr. ABHISHEK GUPTA | Sr. Scientist/Assistant Professor | Image Processing and Computer Vision | Engineering | abhishekgupta@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=GxkXhTgAAAAJ |
57 | Dr. ABHAY SACHDEV | Scientist/Assistant Professor |
| abhay.sachdev@csio.res.in |
58 | Dr. RANJAN KUMAR JHA | Scientist/Assistant Professor | Robotics & Biomedical Instrumentation | Engineering | ranjan.jha@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=t2uzBnoAAAAJ&hl=en |
59 | Dr. AVISHEK SAHA | Scientist/Assistant Professor | Material/Ananlytical Chemistry, NanoscienceSciences |
| avishek.saha@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Zju3W7YAAAAJ&hl=en |
60 | Dr. SATYA PRATAP SINGH | Scientist/Assistant Professor | Laser & Nonlinear Optics, Metamaterials, Sensors and Silicon PhotonicsSciences |
| spsingh@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9FsAC6IAAAAJ&hl=en |
61 | Dr. DHAIRYA SINGH ARYA | Scientist/Assistant Professor | MEMS-Sensors, MOEMS, THz Devices, Silicon Photonics | Engineering Sciences |
| https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=12KECHkAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao62 |
62 | Dr. VISHAL S CHANDANE | Scientist/Assistant Professor | Reactor design, Process optimization, Waste to wealth | Engineering | vishal.chandane@csio.res.in | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NBQYwNQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao |
63 | Dr. VINOD PARMAR | Scientist/Assistant Professor | Plasmonics, SERS, Silicon Photonics, Laser-material Interaction, Micro/Nano-manufacturing,Engineering and Sciences |
| vinodparmar@csio.res.in | Dr. Vinod Parmar - Google Scholar |
64 | Dr. Naveen Sharma | Senior Scientist | Medical Image processing, Ai and Machine learning | Engineering | naveensharma@csio.res.in |