R&D Group |
Biomedical Applications (BMA)
Dr. Neelesh Kumar Chief Scientist
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-278
E-mail: neel5278[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Intelligent Machines and Communication Systems (IMCS)Dr. Neerja Garg Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-276 E-mail: neerjamittal[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Manufacturing Science and lnstrumentation (MSI)Dr. Sachin Tyagi Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-453 E-mail: sachintyagi[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Materials Science & Sensor Applications (MSSA)Dr. Suman Singh Sr.Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-231 E-mail: ssingh[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Energy Management Technologies (Chennai Centre)Mr. A Robert Sam Sr. Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-44-22544630, (+91)-44-22541061
Fax: (+91)-44-2254 026
E-mail: siccsio[at]csircmc[dot]res[dot]in |
Centre of Excellence |
Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Sensors and Systems (ISenS)
Dr. Satish Kumar Chief Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-344
E-mail: satish[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Micro & Nano Optics Centre (MNOC)Dr. Sudipta Sarkar Sr. Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-286 E-mail: sudipta[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
S&T Facilities |
CSIO Analytical Facilities (CAF)Dr. Amit Lochan Sharma Sr. Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-407 E-mail:amitsharma_csio[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in
Thin Film Coating Facility (TFCF)Dr. Mukesh Kumar Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-487 E-mail: mukeshk[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Mechanical Design & Fab Facility (MDF)
Dr. Harry Garg Sr. Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-207 E-mail: harry[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Electronic Design & Fab Facility (EDF)
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-228
E-mail: virdi205[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
R&D Support Sections |
Project Management Establishment (PME)Dr. Inderpal Singh Chief Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-444
E-mail: ips[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Business Development Group (BDG)Mr. Narinder Singh Jassal Sr. Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-9855421580, (+91)-172-2672-389
E-mail: head.bdg[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Information Services Division (ISD)Dr. A K Shukla Sr. Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2658208, (+91)-172-2672-415/413
E-mail: akshukla[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Indo-Swiss Training Centre (ISTC)Dr. Sanjeev Verma Chief Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2657264, (+91)-172-2672-263 E-mail: principalistc[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in, sanjeevverma[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Dr. Manoj Nayak Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2657267, (+91)-172-2672-204 E-mail: mknayak[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Engineering Services |
(a) Civil Engineering Section
Mr. Madan Sharma Sr. Superintending Engineer (Civil) | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2657083, (+91)-172-2672-256 E-mail: ermadansharma@hotmail.com, madansharma28[at]gmail[dot]com |
(b) Electrical Engineering Section-I (Electrical Projects)
Mr. Sunder Lal Sr. Superintending Engineer | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2657138, (+91)-172-2672-450 E-mail: sunder[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
(b) Electrical Engineering Section-II (Electrical Maintenance)
Mr. Hari Dass Sr. Superintending Engineer | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-408, (+91)-172-2994323 E-mail: hdass[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Central Facilities |
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIONMr. Jaswant Rai Sr. Controller of Administration | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2657900, (+91)-172-2672-201 E-mail: coa[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in, Jaswant.rai[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIONMs. Kanika Goel Administrative Officer | | Tel: (+91)-172-2672-355 E-mail: ao[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Mr. RK Droch
Sr. Controller of Finance & Accounts | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-353 E-mail: rkdroch[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
FINANCE & ACCOUNTSMr. Ishwar Dass Controller of Finance & Accounts | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2642167, (+91)-172-2672-296 E-mail: cofa[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES Dr. Anamika Kothari Senior Lady Medical Officer | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-497 E-mail: imoak914[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Dr. Umesh Kumar Tiwari
Senior Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-282 E-mail: umeshtiwari[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
Dr. Prasant Kumar Mahapatra
Senior Principal Scientist | 
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-455 E-mail: prasant22[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |
GUEST HOUSE SERVICESGuest House Incharge |
| Tel: (+91)-172-2672-491, (+91)-172-2672-492 E-mail: gh[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in |