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Business Development Group(BDG)

Dr. Narinder Singh Jassal
Sr. Principal Scientist
Tel: (+91)-0172-2672 389
Email: head.bdg[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in


The Business Development Group plays a pivotal role in accelerating the translation of scientific research into tangible outcomes. This group serves as a liaison between the scientific community and industry, fostering collaborations, identifying commercialization opportunities, managing intellectual property, and facilitating technology transfer. With its multifaceted expertise, the Business Development Group bridges the gap between research and industry, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and growth within the R&D laboratory framework.


Transfer of Technology

In its endeavor to realize its vision CSIR-CSIO has accelerated the growth of technology transfers. With an objective to increase the sustainability of the Organisation the Business Development Group is engaged in various promotional activities and the efforts have borne fruits. The number of technology transfers and revenue generated from it are on the rise.

Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs)

The institute has always accorded high priority to establishing strong R&D-Academia-Industry linkages by entering into various MoUs with leading institutes & industrial partners with a view to sharing expertise and fostering networking of resources. 

Technology Demonstration

CSIR-CSIO participated in various events to showcase its technologies.

• Partnership and Collaboration

• Intellectual Property Management

• Entrepreneurship and innovation


Last Updated on: 2024-08-12 12:28:36


Technology Partners



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