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Public Info>> Jigyasa >>

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Welcome to CSIR-CSIO Science Outreach Program (SOP)

 We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answer.

                                                                                                                  -Carl Sagan  

About Jigyasa
The importance of science outreach is taken into consideration and a program is started at CSIR- CSIO which generate scientific temperament in young minds. It also widen our Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) .
The objective of our program is learning science by “doing science” along side skilled and experienced scientist/practitioner.The goal is to explain the culture of curiousness and creation of positive perception toward science and scientist. We arrange activities for school students, teachers and general public that will enhance their scientific approach so they can understand the most important question “WHY?”
CSIR- CSIO is working in the field of Science outreach since 2013. There are various programme are working toward only goal of popularising science.
The project Jigyasa is started in 2017 and As part of JIGYASA, to understand the nature of science and scientific inquiry, we also arrange various science summer camp, hands on science activities workshop, popular science lectures.
Our Program Comprises
  • Student Residential program to have a hands-on experience of Scientific Research.
  • Scientist as Teacher and Teacher as Scientist.
  • Visit of scientist to school (Outreach Program) to deliver popular science lectures.
  • Teachers workshop to assist teachers with carrying out scientific experiments related to school curriculum.
CSIR-CSIO wishes to work the same in the future to popularize the science amongst the next generation of school and college students.
Program for school students
This is a student-scientist connect program. We have various models of engagement for school student such as
  • Popular Lecture Series / Demonstration Program at Schools
  • Science Exhibition
  • Student Apprentice Program
  • Lab Specific Activities / Onsite Experiments
  • Science Summer Camp

Program for school teachers

JIGYASA also provides assistance to school teachers. There are various models of engagement for school teachers such as
  • Scientist  as Teachers and Teachers as Scientist
  • Teachers Workshop
  • Science and Maths Club
  • Teachers Training Program
  • Teachers Training Program
JIGYASA Activities

JIGYASA - Calender of Activities (Completed/Ongoing)
Learning Science with Fun
Whats New
Photo Gallery 
Contact Us
Prof. Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar (Director)
Dr. Neerja Garg (JIGYASA Nodal)
Dr.Pooja Devi (JIGYASA Co-Nodal)
Phone No. 01722672276, 017226772320
Email: director[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in, neerjamittal[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in & poojaiitr[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in 

Last Updated on: 2024-08-02 17:14:57


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