CSIR-CSIO is a constituent unit of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), which is India's largest research and development organization. CSIO has been involved in the design and development of a wide range of scientific and industrial instruments in the niche areas of optics and photonics, agrionics, sensors, energy management, biomedical, and material science.

सीएसआईआर-सीएसआईओ, वैज्ञानिक और औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद (सीएसआईआर) की एक घटक इकाई है, जोकि भारत का सबसे बड़ा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन है। सीएसआईओ प्रकाशिकी और फोटोनिक्स, एग्रीओनिक्स, सेंसर, ऊर्जा प्रबंधन, बायोमेडिकल और पदार्थ विज्ञान के विशिष्ट क्षेत्रों में वैज्ञानिक और औद्योगिक उपकरणों की डिज़ाइन और विकास में शामिल रहा है।


The annual Symposium of the Optical Society of India is the flagship conference in the broader area of optics and photonics in India. Researchers, Innovators, Scientists, Professors from all over the India and abroad take part in huge number in this conference to deliberate on scientific progress, technological innovations and related instruments. CSIR-CSIO is one of the leading national laboratory for optics and photonics instrumentation and therefore this jointly organised conference would provide an ideal platform for interaction among researchers, scientists, professors, industrialists, innovators, startups , etc. to participate, interact and showcase new products and technologies to a wider audience, who are direct users of these instruments.

  Contributory articles reporting original research on any of the following areas are invited for presentation during the conference.

• Optical Design, Fabrication & Metrology (ODF)
• Optical Interferometry & Holography (HOL)
• Diffractive, Freeform, Adaptive, Integrated Optics and Silicon Photonics (DFA)
• Microscopy and Imaging Technologies (MIT)
• Fiber Optic Devices & Instrumentation (FOI)
• Nano-photonics, Plasmonics, & Metamaterials (NPM)                 
• Photonics   for 6G &THz Technologies (P6G)
• Optics for Space, Defence, and Aerospace Applications (SDA)
• Quantum Optical Technologies (QOT)
• Optoelectronic and Micro-opto-mechanical Devices (OMD)
• Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and 3-Dimensional Displays (ARVR)
• Optical Coating Technologies (OCT)
• Optical Sensors (OS)
• Artificial-intelligence and Machine-Learning in optical instrumentation (AML)
• Bio-photonics & Medical Optics (BMO)
• Lasers and Nonlinear Optics (LNO)
There will be key note address,evening lectures,invited talks and oral & poster presentations during the conference. Extended abstracts should be submitted in the template available on the conference website:www.csio.res.in

We are planning to bring out a special issue on the theme of the conference in the Journal of Optics (OSI-Springer). Papers presented at the conference could be submitted with more details as full manuscripts for consideration in this special issue. The submitted manuscripts will have to pass the standard peer review process of the journal before acceptance. All accepted extended abstracts will be published in conference proceedings. Best paper, and best thesis will be awarded.

Hotel Taj Chandigarh, Block No. 9, Sector 17A, Chandigarh - 160017, India


Dr N Kalaiselvi,
DG CSIR & Secretary DSIR


Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta
President, Optical Society of India

Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya
Director, CSIR – Central Scientific Instruments Organisation


Dr Sudipta Sarkar Pal


Dr Raj Kumar


Dr Umesh Kumar Tiwari


Dr Mukesh Kumar


Prof. Ajay Kumar

Prof. Alika Khare

Prof. Anurag Sharma

Prof. S. Asokan

Prof. A R Ganesan

Prof. Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
UiT,The Arctic University of Norway

Prof. Bhanu P Singh

Prof. Bishnu Pal
Mahindra University,Hyderabad

Prof. Chandra Shekhar

Prof. Chennupati Jagadish
Australian National University


Prof. Devendra Mohan

Prof. Enakshi Sharma
Delhi University

Prof. G.P. Agarwal
University of Rochester

Prof. Jagganath Nayak

Prof. Jae -Hyeung Park
Seoul National University

Prof. Jorge Ojeda-Castaneda
University of Guanajuato,Mexico

Prof. Kallol Bhattacharya
University of Calcutta

Prof. Kehar Singh

Prof. Kenji Yamamoto
Tokushima University,Japan

Prof. K.V. Sriram

Prof. L.N. Hazra
University of Calcutta

Prof. M.R. Senoy

Prof. Osamu Matoba
Kobe University, Japan

Prof. P.K. Gupta
IISc,New Delhi

Prof. Prasad A. Naik
BITS Pilani

Prof.Prem Kumar
Northwestern University,USA

Prof. R. Vijaya

Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar

Prof. Rajpal S.Sirohi
Alabama A&M University,USA

Prof. Rudra Pratap
Plaksha University,Punjab

Prof. Ranjan Sen

Prof. S. Dutta Gupta

Prof. S. Ramchandran
Boston University,Massachusetts

Prof. Sangeeta Kale
DIAT, Pune

Prof. Subhananda Chakraborty

Prof. T. Srinivas

Prof. Thomas Krauss
University of York England

Prof. Tomoyoshi Shimobaba
Chiba University, Japan

Prof. Vipul Rastogi

Prof. R.P. Singh

Prof. Partha P. Banerjee
University of Dayton, USA

Prof. Jannick Rolland
University of Rochester

V Rama Gopal Rao

Peter J. de Groot
Zygo Corporation

R K Sinha
GBU ,Greater Noida


Prof. Amarendra K Sarma

Prof. Harshwardhan Wanare

Prof. Arup Lal Chakraborty

Prof. Ashish Aggarwal

Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

Prof. Deepa Venkitesh

Prof. Dibakar Roy Chowdhury
Mahindra University,,Hyderabad

Prof. Goutam K Samanta

Prof. Than Singh Saini
NIT, Kurukshetra

Prof. Kamal P Singh

Dr. M Senthil Kumar

Prof. Naveen K Nischal

Prof. Rajan Jha

Prof. Mukesh Kumar

Prof. Rajesh V Nair

Prof. Rakesh K Singh

Prof. Renu John

Prof. Sachin Kumar Srivastava

Prof. Shailendra K Varshney

Prof. Sriganesh Prabhu

Prof. S K Ghoshal

Prof. Tapajyoti Das Gupta

Prof. Bosanta Ranjan Boruah

Prof. Venugopal Rao Soma
University of Hyderabad

Prof. Pramod Gopinath

Prof. B K Das

Prof. Nirmal Visvanathan
University of Hyderabad

Dr. Kavita Thakur

Dr Arvind K. Gathania
NIT ,Hamirpur

Prof. S.K. Tripathi
PU, Chandigarh

Prof. Jyoti Kedia

Dr. Arijit Kumar De
IISER , Mohali

Prof. Sourabh Roy
NIT Warangal

Dr. Vikas Dubey
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong

Dr. Saidi Reddy

Prof. Rajib Biswas
Tezpur University, Assam

Prof. Gagan Kumar
IIT Guwahati

Prof. Rajesh Kumar
IIT Roorkee

Dr. Om Prakash
RRCAT Indore

Prof. Sanjeev Raghuvanshi
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad

Prof. Akhilesh Mishra
IIT Roorkee

Prof. Satish Dubey
IIT, Delhi

Prof. Ritwick Das
IIT, Delhi

Dr. Dheeraj Pratap
IIT, Delhi

Dr. Simranjit Singh
PEC, Chandigarh

Dr. Mandeep Singh
NIT, Karnataka


Individuals requiring letter of invitation to obtain travel visa for participation in OPTOIn-2024 Conference please complete and email the form here

OSI Best Thesis Award
Ph.D. students who have submitted their thesis by September 30, 2024 for award of degree, or those who have been awarded Ph.D. degree on or after January 01, 2024, are eligible for the thesis presentation in OPTOIn-2024. Those interested in their thesis presentation should email the following documents by 30 September 2024: optoin24@csio.res.in :
• (i) a five-page summary of their thesis
• (ii) a certificate from Ph.D. guide specifying date of submission of thesis or award of the degree
• (iii) list of publications related to thesis work.
On the acceptance of this thesis summary, the student is expected to make a short presentation on the thesis work during OPTOIn-2024.
A Committee will adjudge the work and a maximum of three best theses will be awarded a Certificate and a cash award of Rs.10000/- each.

OSI Student Presentation Awards

These awards are reserved for best students’ presentations, oral and/or poster, during annual OSI conferences and are in the form of cash prize and certificates.

Travel support: Travel support sponsored by OPTICA will be available to few student authors of accepted papers, subject to proper justification, on first come first serve basis.


Abstract submission deadline : 20 July,2024 July 31, 2024 August 10, 2024
Notification of decision on abstract : 31 August 2024
Early bird registration last date : 15 September 2024
Last date for Online Registration : 10 October 2024

For Registration CLICK HERE

For on the Spot Registration please complete this form https://forms.gle/4KaskzGmutUvn8LJA

Email for Abstract Submission:
Important Instruction for Abstract Submission to OPTOIn-2024 conference:

1.    The authors are advised to prepare the manuscript as per the template of the OPTOIn-2024 conference.

2.    The template file for the paper can be downloaded from the website of OPTOIn-2024.

3.    The authors are strongly advised to adhere to the page limit of maximum 2 pages for the aforementioned conference paper.

4.    All the relevant information and the submitted paper must be written in English. Both new research and work-in-progress are welcome for submission.

5.   The authors should name the prepared manuscript in the following manner: Abbreviated form of Research Area_Title of the paper. The abbreviated forms of research areas are given on the website. For example, if your manuscript comes under the scope of Optical Design, Fabrication and Metrology (ODF) and title of manuscript is “Design of IR camera lens system” then write name of manuscript file as: ODF_design-of-IR-camera-lens-system.  

6.    The abstract of the submitted conference paper should outline the brief summary of the research work and restricted within the word limit of 100 words.

7.    The authors are supposed to send both .PDF and .DOCX file of the conference paper to the official email-address (abs.optoin24@csio.res.in) for paper submission.

8.    Authors are invited to submit the conference paper only in electronic formats. The required instructions are published on the conference website.

9.    The acceptance and rejection of the conference papers is based on the peer review of the submitted paper(s).

* For Important Instruction for Abstract Submission CLICK HERE
* Template for Manuscript-submission for OPTOIn-2024. CLICK HERE
Click here to view the list of contributory manuscripts accepted for presentation
Guidelines for the oral and poster presentation


Dr K V Sriram
(LEOS, Bengaluru)


Prof. Siddharth Ramachandran
(Boston University,Massachusetts)

Prof. Zeev Zalevsky
(Bar-Ilan University,Israel)

Prof. Wolfgang Osten
(University of Stuttgart)


Prof. Kehar Singh
(IIT Delhi)

Prof. Ajoy Ghatak
(IIT Delhi)


Prof. A.R Ganeshan
(IIT , Madras)

Prof. Achanta Venugopal

Dr. Amit Agarwal
(University of Cambridge)

Prof. Anurag Sharma

Prof. Arun Ananad

Prof. Arup Lal Chakraborty
(IIT, Gandhinagar)

Prof. Ashish Aggarwal

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Prof. Bosanta Ranjan Boruah

Prof. BVR Tata

Prof. D.S. Mehta

Prof. Deepa Venkitesh

Prof. Devendra Mohan

Prof. Goutam K Samanta

Prof. Harshawardhan Wanare

Dr. Jackin
(KIT Kyoto,Japan)

Prof. Kenji Yamamoto
(Tokushima University,Japan)

Prof. Lakshminarayan Hazra
(Calcutta University)

Prof. Mukesh Kumar

Prof. Nirmal Viswanathan
(University of Hyderabad)

Prof. Naveen K Nischal

Prof. Osamu Matoba
(Kobe University,Japan)

Dr. Prag Sharma

Prof. Rajan Jha

Prof. Rakesh K. Singh

Prof. Shanti Bhattacharya

Prof. Sujata Sanghi

Prof. T. Srinivas

Prof. Tapajyoti Das Gupta

Prof. Tomoyoshi Shimobaba
(Chiba University,Japan)

Prof. Venugopal Rao Soma
(University of Hyderabad)

Prof. Vipul Rastogi

Prof. Yasuhiro Awatsuji
(KIT Kyoto,Japan)

Prof. Rajib Chakraborty
(University of Calcutta)

Kedar B. Khare
(IIT ,Delhi)

Dr. Ajay Kumar

Dr. Amit Agarwal

Dr. Mukesh Jewariya
(NPL , Delhi)

Prof. S. Asokan
(IISc ,Bangalore)

Prof. Kyoji Matsushima
(Kansai University ,Japan )

Dr. B K Das
(IIT , Madras)

Dr. Bhaskar Kanseri
(IIT ,Delhi)

Dr. P.C. Srikanth
(MCE Hassan)

Dr. Pramod Gopinath

Dr. Sanjay K. Mishra

Dr. Sachin Kumar Srivastava
(IIT ,Roorkee)

Dr. Vyas Akondi
(IISER ,Berhampur)

Prof. K P Singh
(IISER ,Mohali)

Prof. Partha Roy Chaudhuri

Prof. Ravinder Kumar Banyal

Prof. R k Sinha
(Gautam Buddha University,Greater Noida)

 Dr. Manoj Kumar
(Amity University,Mohali)

Prof. C S Narayanamurthy

Prof. Somnath Ghosh
(Mahindra University)

Dr. Gautam Das
(Lakehead University, Canada)

Dr. Sumit Kumar Pramanik
(CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar )

 Prof. S Dutta Gupta
(TIFR, Hyderabad)

Prof. PC Deshmukh
(RV University, Bengaluru)

Prof. Sukhdev Roy,
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra

 Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh,
IISER, Kolkata






The conference will be attended by professors of leading academic institutes like IITs, Central and State Universities, NITs, IISERs , etc. and scientists from leading R & D institutes of CSIR , DRDO, DAE, ISRO, etc. so this is the best opportunity for industry to showcase or launch their products in front of a wider audiences and users. Industry may take advantage of this unique platform to gain following benefits:

• Launch of new products and highlight exciting ones.
• Increase brand awareness and elevate your company profile.
• Network with specialists, seek international partners and    form new alliances.
• Increase visibility in focused markets.
• Communicate your message to a highly qualified scientific and expert community.
• Build relationships for the future.
• Attract new talent and strengthen partnerships.
• Generate sales leads and educate the market.
For more details---> CLICK HERE

For more details---> CLICK HERE


The organizers of OPTOIn2024 is committed to provide an environment that is conducive to the free and robust exchange of scientific ideas. This environment requires that all participants be treated with equal consideration and respect. While we encourage vigorous debate of ideas, personal attacks will not be welcomed as it is not productive and does not advance the cause of science. All participants of OPTOIn 2024 are therefore expected to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully.
It is the policy of the organizers that all forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise, are prohibited in OPTOIn2024. This policy applies to every individual at the event, whether member of organizing committee, attendee, speaker, guest, exhibitor or other. It is also a violation of this policy to retaliate against an individual for reporting bullying, discrimination or harassment or to intentionally file a false report. Bullying, discrimination and harassment of any sort by someone in a position of power, prestige or authority is particularly harmful since those of lower status or rank may be hesitant to express their objections or discomfort out of fear of retaliation.

What are bullying, discrimination, harassment and retaliation?
Bullying is the ongoing abuse and intentional mistreatment of one or more vulnerable persons or groups by a more powerful individual or group. Bullying consists of repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical or psychological harm. Being “more powerful” may include being physically bigger or stronger, having more social status or having influence over someone’s employment or professional advancement.
Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of categories of people based on personal attributes such as race, sex, age, colour, sexual orientation, body size, ethnic or national origin, disability, religion, marital status, veteran status, political affiliation or other attributes not related to the merit of one’s work or scientific research or ideas.
Harassment consists of unwanted, unwelcomed and uninvited behaviour that demeans, threatens or offends another and results in a hostile environment. Harassing behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the use of epithets, derogatory comments or slurs, assault, stalking, impeding or blocking movement, threats of violence, offensive touching, any physical interference with normal work or movement and visual insults such as derogatory images, posters or cartoons.
Sexual harassment consists of harassing behaviour based upon sex, gender or sexual orientation. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours (often accompanied by overt or implied promises or threats relating to employment, professional advancement or recognition), lewd comments or images, or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature where such conduct creates an unreasonable, intimidating, hostile or sexually offensive environment and may interfere with the target’s professional performance.
Retaliation consists of negative action or treatment towards someone who has reported bullying, discrimination or harassment. Retaliation may include threatening the complainant of termination or demotion, injuring a reporting individual’s professional or personal reputation or unjustly demeaning a reporting individual’s work. Retaliation creates an environment that discourages victims and bystanders from reporting offensive behaviour.

What should I do if I experience or witness bullying, discrimination or harassment?
Individuals may be unaware that their conduct is offensive and are often willing to correct their behaviour if so informed. If you experience or witness bullying, discrimination or harassment, you are encouraged to immediately inform the individual that their comments or behaviour are unwelcome. However, direct confrontation is not possible or advisable in every situation. If you do not feel comfortable addressing or confronting the violator, you should report the incident.

How do I report an incident?
If you wish to report bullying, discrimination or harassment you have witnessed or experienced, you may do so through the following methods:
• Contact any OPTOIn2024 organizing committee member (You can locate them through their badges)
• Email to OPTOIn2024@csio.res.in
• Contact Chairperson of OPTOIn2024. Contact information: Dr. Sudipta Sarkar, contact no.: 9501456736, e-mail: sudipta@csio.res.in
You are also encouraged to write down as many relevant details as you can recall (e.g. names, dates, times, locations, behaviour or statements made, etc.), which can be helpful in assisting any future investigation of the incident. To ensure a fair and complete investigation, anonymous reports of bullying, discrimination or harassment cannot be accepted.

What happens if I report an incident?
Upon receiving a report of misconduct, CSIR-CSIO being the organizer of OPTOIn2024, will conduct a prompt, thorough investigation following the guidelines of CSIR and Govt of India.

Kindly indicate your accommodation requirement by completing this form before 29 September 2024: https://forms.gle/wJDCHkbzDcohe5er9

Click here to download the list of hotels and bhawnas / dharamshala
Contact Details
email Id:  optoin24@csio.res.in
Dr. Raj Kumar
Dr. Umesh Kumar Tiwari
Dr. Mukesh Kumar
Dr. Sudipta Sarkar Pal